AI-driven automation to help simplify the management and maintenance of hybrid environments is now available across HPE servers.
The HPE InfoSight portfolio has been expanded to incorporate HPE servers. Bringing InfoSight to the server platform is a critical part of the InfoSight landscape and the foundations of many IT solutions. HPE has built an ecosystem to utilise real-world analytics that free you from the burden of managing infrastructure.

Predict and prevent problems before they happen
HPE InfoSight constantly watches over the environment and predicts problems. If it uncovers an issue, it resolves the issue and prevents other systems from experiencing the same problem.

Transforms the way we look at Support
HPE InfoSight transforms the support experience by making the complex, simple. It offers performance tuning, security recommendations and automatic people and parts dispatching.

Designed to see what others can't
HPE InfoSight sees from the past to the future. It takes the guesswork out of managing infrastructure and simplifies planning by accurately predicting capacity, performance and bandwidth needs.
Bringing InfoSight to the server platform is a critical part of the InfoSight landscape and the foundation of many IT solutions. HPE has built an ecosystem to utilise real-world analytics that free you from the burden of managing infrastructure.
Of issues automatically opened and resolved 1
Less time managing problems 2
Lower storage operational expenses 3
Unlock the potential of data

Today, HPE InfoSight tells you what to do…

Tomorrow, it does it for you!
HPE products with InfoSight

1 "Redefining the standard for system availability." 2017
2,3 "Assessing the financial impact of HPE InfoSight predictive analytics" 2017