Partner Club
Gain access to small-business focused training, a broader curriculum and sales tools helping Partners get rewarded for on-going sales and growth including 4% cash-back.
Because you can earn greater rewards with Aruba ACTION Club & Ingram Micro
REGISTER TODAYDrive Aruba Instant On Sales with Aruba ACTION Club
The ACTION Club online dashboard allows Partners to see their progress and gain access to new training
and promotional opportunities.
Pathway to Aruba ACTION Club membership
For new Partners, Partners without a HPE contract, or a business Partner
- Small business-focused trainings and sales tools
- Reward for on-going sales and first sales:
- 4% cash-back
- Sell* a new product line
- Get 20% cash bonus on your first purchase
- Earn €5 cash bonus selling AP21, AP22D
- Earn €10 cash bonus on selling AP27
*Selling for at least $100 of an Aruba SMB product line not sold so far
ACTION Premier
For Partners with a HPE contract and quarterly SMB sales above threshold on Aruba Instant On & Office Connect
- Aruba Instant On offering
- Broader training curriculum
- Reward for volume sales and growth
- Applicable to Aruba Instant On Product Lines
- Earn 5 - 10% rebate on Instant On sales
New Partners
Kick-off first sales
• 20% cash bonus of your first purchase of a new budget line.
(Purchase will qualify if it’s $100 or more - capped at $1,000)
Existing Partners
Loyalty Rewards
• 4% of SO (EMEA)
Band 1
$15k - $50k
quarterly sales
Band 2
$50k - $100k
quarterly sales
Band 3
$100k - $1.5M
quarterly sales
Earn up to 20% Cash Bonus* with Aruba ACTION Partner Club.

Connect with Aruba and the latest in SMB technology

Train and get the latest sales tools

Access news on product introductions

Attend events and webinars

Receive rewards for selling Aruba Instant On