Az Experienc Zone nagyszerű módja annak, hogy megismerje az értékeket, amelyeket az Ingram Micro biztosít Önnek. A dubai HPE Experience Zone legjobb részeit mutattjuk meg Önnek. Látogasson el az érdeklődésének megfelelő területekre!
Providing customers with fast delivery is vital for businesses to compete. By utilising IoT and AI businesses can ensure logistics and supply chain run efficiently.
We walk you through a hack to highlight vulnerabilities your customers may have and demonstrate how you can sell them solutions that keep their network secure.
We’re constantly discovering new use cases for AI. Here get to see a few examples of where your customers can best benefit from implementing AI into their workplace.
Due to recent world events Telemedicine is a growing industry. Discover some of the cutting edge technology solutions that Ingram Micro are helping to implement.
We showcase the latest innovative technologies and hardware equipment from the likes of NVIDIA, Dell, HPE, IBM. We bring this to life on an interactive platform.